10.2.2025/In Alqosh Farm/Me and All Team

Today was very nice but Mr. Dukan was not there and it was as if something was missing from everyone because we were all connected to each other but he loved us to work and manage the workers and work on the farm and increase the opportunity for production and increase ideas in everything related to the farm and the market and like every day we started with a meeting and everyone decided to talk and the meeting started and each member of the team went to a process and if one of us finished he would go to help the other and yes in the morning we started working on the website me and Miss. Shleer and after that we finished and it was lunch time and after that the group helper went to me, I finished my work if anyone wanted help and after everyone finished work, we returned to a meeting about what we will do tomorrow and we finished, and it was something exciting and we did that


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