Today was a cold day with little rain in the afternoon but we continued to do our duties in the field, and at the beginning of the day we started talking about our work today. Afterwards, each of them went to work.

  • Halz, Luqman, Aya and Marwan did the work in nursery, planted cutting of Apple and Plum in black bags, after they were finished, Luqman and Marwanz helped Diyar and Rayan made new poly tunnel near the duck pond, after that they were transported the planted cuttings from shade house to the new poly tunnel house.  
  • Ahmad and Abdulrahman started made a new compost in the morning, also me and Aya toke our soaked grains (chickpeas and Coarse bulgur) , we removed the water and mixed them with some sandy soil. after that we sprayed on to the ground in crop 1 area.
  • Today Haliz cooked for us in the farm, there is another taste for our day we felt like we were at home. then me haliz and aya gone to brought some radish and vegetables in the farm for our lunch. Afterlunch me an Aya decided to plant three different seeds in to the chinampas, we plant three various seed Ahmad and Hali helped us with this, we did this by the seed planted machine.

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